Top 9 Home Remedies For Skin Infections

Skin problems and home remedies


Skin problems are common for everyone at any point in your life time and it is caused due to some changes in hormones, dust, and pollution. Skin disorders can vary in symptoms and severity, some infections can be temporary or permanent and some may be painful or painless. Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances which then lead to the skin disorders.

Some common skin conditions are:

Psoriasis etc.,

Most of the skin disorders are minor but some infections lead to serious problems. Some of the best care ingredients which are available in your kitchen and those are natural which doesn’t have any side effects.

Symptoms of some skin disorders:

Red or white bumps
Rash with pain or itchy
Rough skin
Open lesions
Changes in mole color or size
Excessive flushing etc.,

Reasons behind skin disorders:

Changing lifestyle and some health conditions can also lead to the development of some skin disorders.

Bacteria present in skin pores
Fungus or microorganism living on skin
Genetic factors
Illness causes to immune system, kidneys

Natural home remedies for skin problems



Turmeric contains antioxidant properties and also has antiseptic properties which reduce skin problems so only it is used in many cleansers and body lotions. This turmeric is used for the skin inflammation and infections like eczema, ringworms, leech bites.


Tomatoes can be applied externally to the skin, it contains an anti-inflammatory called lycopene which helps to heal, burns and some other infections. Apply a slice of tomato on the affected area.

Aloe Vera:  

Aloe vera can be used for both hair and skin problems during the winter season. This aloe vera contains a juicy substance which has a cooling and soothing effect on acne sores and some other infections. Aloe Vera can act like an antibiotic which cures the infections over time.

Sandal wood powder and rose water: 

Mix sandal powder with rose water and make a fine paste. Apply the paste on your face and wash your face after an hour using cold water.


Almonds can also be used for the skin problem. Soak two almonds overnight and peel the skin and mash it in the morning, then mix it with rose water and apply to your face.

Green tea: 

Green tea protects the skin from various fungal infections and also gives relief from the yeast infections by applying to the skin directly or by drinking green tea daily shows the best results.


you can apply plain yogurt to the skin and leave it for 30 minutes.

Coconut oil: 

coconut oil destroys the fungi that cause the skin infections, which contains anti-fungal properties. Make a mixture of coconut oil and cinnamon oil in equal ratios and apply it to the skin to control the infection growth.


Garlic has anti- bacterial, anti- fungal and anti- biotic properties which help in the treatment of skin infections. Crush garlic cloves and make a paste out of it and apply it to the skin.

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